Since ancient times, people believed that certain objects could protect them from dangers, diseases and black magic, and attract good luck, happiness, wealth and other benefits. These things are called talismans. It is customary to carry them with you or keep them at home to be under the protection of higher powers. People who do not yet have a personal magical protector should figure out how to make a talisman themselves. After its appearance, you will immediately feel how life began to change for the better.
The difference between a talisman and a talisman.

The words "amulet" and "talisman" are considered equivalent and are used synonymously.
But the difference between them, although small, is:
- The amulet protects a person from negative magical effects, illnesses and misfortunes. It can be material (pectoral cross, runic staff, horseshoe above the entrance door, etc. ) or immaterial (plot, whisper).
- A talisman is an object with supernatural powers that at the same time protects against problems and negative energy, and attracts happiness and good luck. It can be an object that you carry with you or keep in the house, or a living being, such as a cat.
Will a homemade talisman work?
To become the owner of an effective protective element, you can do it yourself.
According to esotericists, an amulet made with your own hands has more pronounced magical properties than one given or purchased.
When a person makes something protective for himself, he fills it with his energy as he works. Thanks to this, the talisman begins to perceive you as its owner and help you in all matters.
But it will be possible to achieve such an effect provided that the person creates the amulet in a good mood, without holding a grudge or grudge against anyone.
If he starts transmitting negativity to the universe, he will fill the magical attribute with negative energy. Such a thing will not be able to protect against troubles and attract luck.
What can talismans and amulets be made of?
In the manufacture of amulets, raw materials of natural origin are used: wood, natural threads, skins, leather, etc. These materials perfectly absorb negative energy from the outside world, protecting the owner from the destructive effects of it.
An affordable and effective material to make amulets at home. Bracelets, pendants and other magical attributes are made from it.
So that a homemade talisman can maximize its magical properties, the energy of the material is taken into account when making it.
Women are recommended to choose female trees (aspen, cherry, birch, etc. ), while representatives of the stronger sex choose male trees (oak, hazel).
Additionally, each tree has its own supernatural properties:
- Rowan protects from evil spirits;
- alder protects against adultery, helps those who do good deeds;
- the cherry preserves youth;
- Aspen protects against evil spirits;
- Hazelnut attracts wealth, protects against thieves;
- Oak protects from the evil eye and curses, strengthens the energy field.

Natural fur contains the energy of a sacrificed animal, so it should be used with caution to create an amulet. This material will help self-confident people who are used to taking risks and showing aggressiveness to achieve their goals.
A harmless person with a calm character will not benefit from a fur amulet.

Genuine Leather
Leather should be treated with caution for the same reason as fur. It is not suitable for a kind-hearted person who prefers a quiet life with his family.
Leather amulets are the choice of those who are used to walking on the edge of a knife.

Burlap and natural fabric.
Fabric talismans are easy to sew with your own hands. Most often they are made in the form of protective dolls. These products are suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age and type of activity.

Threads and ribbons
Natural threads and ribbons are universal materials from which amulets can be made for people of any age, sex and occupation. They are used to make protective dolls, bracelets, car pendants and other protective attributes.
Herbs, flowers and berries.
Many plants have magical powers that a person can use for their own benefit.
Properties of herbs, berries and flowers in talismans:
- St. John's wort and hawthorn protect against evil spirits;
- Rosehip gives well-being, transforms negative energy into positive;
- Rowan protects against magical effects;
- elderberry cures diseases, protects against witchcraft;
- elm helps to acquire valuable knowledge;
- verbena develops the gift of foresight, attracts the opposite sex, heals and protects from evil spirits;
- elecampane protects from damage and the evil eye, attracts love, drives away diseases;
- Ivan da Marya helps to preserve love and fidelity;
- chamomile relieves anxiety and attracts love;
- nettle removes damage, protects against witchcraft and the evil eye, gives courage;
- Clover and sage bring good luck and prosperity.
Stones and minerals
Precious and semi-precious stones are not the most suitable material for making a talisman with your own hands, since they require processing that is impossible without special tools and skills.
But if there is such a possibility, then the teacher must take into account the compatibility of his horoscope with the selected gem.

Beeswax has long been used to create amulets against harm, everyday problems and illness. Both candles and figurines made of melted wax are used for protection purposes.
salty dough
Salt has long been famous for its ability to absorb negativity, which is why it is used to protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. By adding it to the dough you can obtain a plastic material with magical properties, suitable for creating protective figurines.
In order for the salt dough talisman to provide the desired benefits, additional ingredients are added to it:
- garlic - protects against the tricks of evil spirits;
- sunflower seeds: used in a children's amulet to protect the child from diseases;
- egg: helps those who dream of procreation;
- millet – protects against the evil eye;
- poppy - fulfills wishes;
- cereals and beans: attract wealth and give physical strength.
Rules for creating a talisman or good luck amulet.
When making a protective element yourself, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Perform all actions alone, without being distracted by extraneous sounds and activities.
- While working, mentally communicate with the talisman, ask for help and fill it with your positive energy.
- Create an amulet in a room illuminated by moonlight or sunlight. Don't sit down to work when the sky is cloudy.
- While you work, read a prayer addressed to your guardian angel or "Our Father. "
- Believe in the magical power of the manufactured item.

Talismans by zodiac sign
Astrologers advise creating a talisman taking into account the zodiac sign of the person for whom it is intended. In this case, a person will be able to feel the effect of the magical attribute as much as possible.
Amulets suitable for representatives of different signs are presented in the table.
Zodiac sign | stones | Figures and images | Additional amulets |
Aries | ruby, diamond, amethyst, sapphire | Sun, military symbols (weapon, armor, sword, shield, dagger, arrow) | Silver |
Taurus | Emerald, chalcedony, chrysoprase | Bull, horseshoe, owl, elephant. | Copper |
Twins | Alexandrite, topaz, agate | Symbol of air, snake, key, mask, wings. | – |
Cancer | Emerald, moonstone | Yin and yang balance symbol, heart, crescent, cat | Round Bead Necklace |
a lion | ruby, citrine, topaz | Lion, sun, sunflower, eagle, star, crown, torch, swan | Gold coin or antique ring. |
Virgo | Jasper, peridot, jade | Grasshopper, owl, aster | Wood and clay amulets. |
Scales | Tourmaline, diamond, opal | Libra symbol, book, maze, butterfly, dove, sunflower | – |
Scorpion | Aquamarine, black opal, garnet, hematite | Scorpio, beetle, frog, any symbolism associated with the kingdom of the dead. | – |
Sagittarius | Peridot, turquoise | Lizard, star, phoenix, any element of the harness (saddle, horseshoe, bridle) | – |
Capricorn | ruby, onyx | Frog, lizard, crocodile, black cat, turtle, ladder | – |
Aquarium | Sapphire, zircon, amethyst | 2 waves symbol; everything related to the air (clouds, birds, insects, planes), lock with key | – |
Fish | Peridot, aquamarine, amethyst | Fish, jellyfish, musical instruments. | Beads made of shells, corals and pearls. |
The best homemade talismans and amulets for good luck.
To create a homemade amulet, you can use materials that are found in almost every home.
embroidered ribbon
Since time immemorial, in Slavic lands, women decorated their heads with ribbons on which protective symbols were embroidered. Any needlewoman can make such a talisman at home.
For this you will need:
- red silk or cotton ribbon;
- embroidery threads of natural colors;
- needle;
- ring.
After placing the ribbon in the hoop, you need to embroider images of natural objects that can protect a person from evil. These include the sun, moon, stars, earth, plants, water, etc.
It is not necessary to decorate your head with a ready-made ribbon. It can be tied to a bag, sewn to clothing, or worn on the wrist instead of a bracelet. In each of these cases, the tape will protect the one who created it from external negativity.

Become runic or a rune
A powerful amulet will be a piece of wood or cardboard on which runes or runic staffs that have protective powers are painted.
You can use symbols like:
- Algiz (protects from people with bad intentions, envy and gossip, accidents, bankruptcies).
- Thurisaz (protects against gossip, toxic relationships, damage, intrigue, envy).
- Teyvaz (protects the house and money, helps a person overcome obstacles on the way to the goal).
- Isa (neutralizes negative external influences, helps the owner get out of a conflict situation with minimal losses).
- Algiz - Odal - Algiz (defense of the security of the house).
- Algiz-Eyvaz-Isa (the formula protects a person and his family from magical influence and indicates who committed witchcraft).
If the runic talisman is intended to protect the home, it is hidden in the house. A personal amulet is carried with him, placed in a bag, pocket or wallet.
enchanted ring
Having received a ring as a gift or bought a new one, you can spell it for happiness and good luck.
To do this, you must take the jewelry in your hands and say the following spell over them:
"I attract good luck, which will grow and strengthen with the Moon. As long as I have the ring on, there will be no room for bad luck in life!
The ring must then be placed for 7 days in a glass of spring water, to which a pinch of salt has been added.
The enchanted ring must be worn by the caster. You can't give it to strangers, otherwise it will lose its power.
Thread amulet for good luck.
This amulet came to us from the Jewish teachings of Kabbalah. To create it you will need a ball of red wool. You need to cut a thread for it, the length of which is 4-5 cm longer than the circumference of the wrist.
Tie the cut thread on the wrist of your left hand and tie 7 knots (you can ask a loved one to tie them).
The string bracelet cannot be removed until it breaks on its own. This amulet will protect its owner from the evil eye and attract good luck.

paper talisman
Paper is made from wood, so it is also a natural material from which amulets can be made.
For a talisman that attracts good luck, you will need:
- a sheet of thick gold or yellow paper;
- a simple pencil;
- ballpoint pen with bright ink;
- scissors;
- natural wax (you can melt a church candle).
Manufacturing instructions:
- At midnight, draw a five-pointed star on a piece of paper.
- To attract luck, draw a four-leaf clover, a Ferris wheel, or another good luck symbol in the center of the figure.
- During the drawing process, constantly say the words: "Let this talisman help me achieve (express the goal)" or "Let this talisman protect me from (name). "
- Cut out the finished star and place it in melted wax. To help her achieve what she wants, always keep her close to you.
wooden talisman
Before making an amulet with your own hands, you need:
- Go to the forest, choose a strong tree with thick branches and mentally ask permission to cut one of them.
- After this, they cut off the selected branch, leaving a coin or a handful of grain under the tree as ransom.
- Upon returning home, place the branch in a dry place for 2-3 weeks. During this time it will absorb the energy of the home and the people who live in it.
- When the specified time has passed, cut a piece of wood from the branch and begin making the amulet.
Step by step production:
- Give the sawn piece the required shape (circle, cross, animal figure), sand well. Make a hole in the top for the rope.
- Draw or engrave the selected protective image (Old Slavic symbol, zodiac sign, etc. ) on its surface.
- Cover the product with wood varnish or beeswax. Let it dry.
- Pass the wire through the hole.

Salt dough amulet
To prepare a dough that will absorb negativity and protect a person and his home from evil, you will need:
- 200 grams of flour;
- 100 g of rock salt;
- 100 ml of warm water.
If you wish, you can add the additional products mentioned above (poppy seeds, egg, etc. ) to the dough.
Manufacturing instructions:
- Using the listed ingredients, knead until you get a stiff, elastic dough that doesn't stick to your hands.
- When the dough reaches the required consistency, form a protective figure with it. It can be a symbol that matches your zodiac sign or a universal talisman that brings good luck (dragon, elephant, horseshoe, etc. ).
- Place the finished craft in the oven heated to +75. . . +100°C and dry it for 1 to 3 hours (the time depends on the size of the product).
- If there is no oven, dry the talisman in the open air, but this process will take several days. It is important to protect the figure from direct sunlight, otherwise it will crack and crumble.
- Paint the dried amulet with gouache or acrylic paints, and then cover it with several layers of furniture or transparent manicure varnish.
Once the figure is completely dry, it can be used for protective purposes.

Leather talisman for good luck.
With pieces of real leather you can make a brownie that will protect your home from misfortunes. It can also be hidden in your car to protect it from theft and accidents.
For the craft you will need:
- pieces of natural leather;
- foam;
- scissors;
- thread with needle;
- glue;
- eyes, nose, mouth (you can buy these at a craft store or make them yourself with paper or other material).
Manufacturing process:
- Cut 2 10cm diameter circles from the fur, sew them right side in and turn them inside out. Fill the back of the product with foam to give it a round shape. Sew the remaining hole.
- Make a face for the amulet by gluing the eyes, nose and mouth.
- Cut out and sew arms and legs from the remaining fur. Sew or glue them to the body of the brownie.
The finished figure should be stored in a place where strangers cannot see it. In this case, it will become a reliable talisman for your home or car.
Dried Herbs Amulet
To make a talisman from plants, you need:
- Go to a clearing or forest during the waxing moon. Collect herbs and flowers that attract good luck and protect against harm (their properties are described above).
- Dry them at home.
- Sew a bag from a piece of burlap, fill it with dried herbs, and tie the top with lace or ribbon.
The finished talisman can be hidden around the house (sewn into a pillow, placed on a window sill, placed near the front door) or put in your pocket and kept with you.

What to do if the talisman does not work or you cannot do it
The amulet created with your own hands should manifest its magical properties a few days after you start using it. If it doesn't work, it means that errors were made during manufacturing.
Most often, the lack of results is faced by those who made the talisman in a bad mood or were distracted by extraneous thoughts while working. In this case, it is worth trying to create something magical again.
In a situation where you cannot make an amulet, do not despair. You can order its production from a master or buy a ready-made protective symbol.
It is important that the item pleases its owner. Then she will protect him.
Activation of the talisman.
Any homemade or purchased talisman must be charged with magical power before use. They do this with the help of 4 elements: Water, Earth, Air and Fire.
Activation sequence:
- Bury the amulet in the ground for half an hour.
- Rinse it with spring or well water.
- Fumigate with incense or leave outdoors for half an hour.
- Keep it for 1-2 minutes over a lit candle or over a fire.
It is advisable to carry out all activation stages in one day. In the evening, after the ceremony, you should put the product under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning you can start using the talisman.
How to use
The amulet will help if it is worn correctly and periodically cleansed from the negative energy it absorbs during use. In addition, it is necessary to learn to say goodbye to a magical attribute when it ceases to fulfill its protective function.
When using a talisman, the following rules must be observed:
- Try to wear the protective symbol every day for at least several hours. It must be constantly fed by the owner's energy.
- Wear or carry the talisman with you whenever you need support from higher powers.
- No one other than the owner should wear or hold their amulet.
- Hide a magical item from prying eyes. Thanks to this, it will protect its owner better and for longer.
Clean the talisman
The amulet tends to absorb negative energy directed by other people against its owner. Once you feel overwhelmed by negativity, your defenses weaken and you stop helping.
A cleansing ritual will help restore the magical properties of the talisman, with the help of which it will be possible to get rid of the accumulated energy.
To do this you need:
- Sprinkle salt in an even layer on the bottom of the glass container.
- Place the amulet on the plate.
- Cover with salt and let sit for 12 hours, then remove and shake.
This ritual is repeated every time the amulet stops helping.

How to part with a talisman
When the amulet breaks or breaks, this indicates that it is so full of negative energy that it can no longer fulfill its protective mission. A failed attribute must be removed.
You can do this in 2 ways:
- Burn it over a fire or a wax candle flame (suitable for items made of cloth, paper or other materials that burn well).
- Go to a pond and throw it into the water (this method is chosen for heavy objects that sink easily).
Before saying goodbye to the amulet, you should thank him for the help he gave you all along and apologize for having to say goodbye to him. After the ritual, you can make yourself a new amulet.